We have received the following important update with regards to the use of facemask on railway stations.
On Thursday 4 June the Government announced it would be mandatory to wear face coverings when using public transport. Following this announcement from Monday 15 June 2020 anyone working in a station environment will also be required to wear a face covering.
Network Rail’s Commercial and Procurement Team Organiser has confirmed that face coverings need to be made to a minimum EN standard EN14683:2019 ‘standard’ surgical type I or II mask (3 layers). Face shield needs to be EN standard EN166.
Homemade face coverings are not deemed to be appropriate for those working in the railway environment. This includes Network Rail employees and its supply chain contractors.
Do note that masks that cite the KN95 standard must not be used and have been banned by HSE for work use as they do not meet UK / EN CE standards and will provide inadequate protection.
If you have any questions or require any clarification then your first point of call should be your on-site lead or manager.